Major manufacturer of certified inert materials

Crushed stone fractions

The aggregates manufactured by "Eskana" AD have been assessed for compliance with the European standards BSS EN12620; EN13242, EN13043; EN13139; EN13450 and the Regulation for the essential requirements to construction sites and conformity assessment of construction products.
The inert materials are extracted and processed based on a production control system certified by the Research Institute of Building Materials. Our trained staff controls the product quality. Their physical and chemical properties are periodically tested in a laboratory.

Types of crushed stone fractions and their application:

  1. Sini vir quarry: 0/4, 4/12, 4/20 - for concrete, bitumen mixtures and road construction, crushed stone for railways;
  2. Vetrino quarry: 0/2, 0/5 - crushed sand for concrete, bitumen mixtures, roads and solutions; 4/20, 22/45, 45/125 - for concrete, for bitumen mixtures and for road construction, 0/16, 0/32, 0/80 - for road construction;
  3. Martsiana quarry: 0/1 - crushed sand for solutions, 0/4, 0/63, 4/22, 22/45, 40/125 - for concrete and road construction;
  4. Lyahovo quarry: 0/32, 0/80, 20/40, 40/80 - for road construction, rock fraction from 300 to 1000 kg and rock fraction from 1000 to 3000 kg - rock materials for hydraulic structures.



9010 Varna
26 Arh. Petko Momilov St.

Headquarters: 052 303127
Sales: 052 303480

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