Major manufacturer of certified inert materials

Policy in the field of quality management, environmental protection and occupational health and safety

For the implementation of this policy, "ESKANA" AD has focused its efforts in the following fields:
 Application, maintenance, development and continuous improvement of the integrated management system meeting the international standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO   14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 as an integral part of the overall company management;
 Product quality assurance;
 Maintaining good relationships, loyal and effective partnership with customers, suppliers and subcontractors;
- Provision of the resources required for the functioning and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, the Environmental Management System and the Occupational Health and Safety System, in line with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007;
- Commitment to comply with the legislation currently in force with regard to the products, processes, the environment and occupational health and safety, as well as other requirements adopted by the organisation;
- Active and committed leadership ensuring and maintaining safe working environment, in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian and European legislation currently in force;
 Ensuring adequate communication between the management and the employees on all aspects of environmental protection, working condition and occupational health and safety;
 Improvement of the environmental status in our sites by developing and introducing investment programmes and adoption of good practices focusing on pollution prevention and control and minimisation of the adverse environmental impacts.



9010 Varna
26 Arh. Petko Momilov St.

Headquarters: 052 303127
Sales: 052 303480

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